Star Wars Empire
Empire #26-27. »General« Skywalker
Witajcie w naszej bajce
15-08-2006 19:01 | Maciej 'Repek' Reputakowski | Komentarze: 1
W sierpniu ukazał się wreszcie (zapowiadany jeszcze na lipiec) drugi kolekcjonerski tom przeznaczony dla fanów Gwiezdnych wojen. Znalazły się w nim krótsze historie, w tym dwuzeszytowa opowieść »Generał« Skywalker. Komiks ten ilustruje jedną z dwóch metod tworzenia komiksów z logo kultowej...
A Valentine Story
O przełamywaniu lodów słów kilka
14-02-2008 00:01 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 0
Jak pewnie większość z Was doskonale wie, walentynki to bardzo dobry moment, by wybrać się... do sklepu. Dla fanów, którzy tak właśnie uczynili w roku 2003 czekała miła niespodzianka w postaci kolejnego gwiezdnowojennego komiksu (przyjmijmy, na potrzeby tej recenzji, choć pewnie komiks ów został odt...
Empire #20-21. A Little Piece of Home
Schemat, schemat, schemat...
14-02-2009 00:01 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 0
Chciałoby się powiedzieć, że po lekturze Republic każda inna seria komiksowa zapewne wywrze na czytelniku niewielkie wrażenie. Nie da się ukryć, że w przypadku Empire to stwierdzenie mogłoby wydawać się prawdziwe. Jednak w tym wypadku najwięcej "winy" jest po stronie samej Empire, co dobrze oddaje b...
Empire #13. What Sin Loyalty?
Inna bajka
06-07-2009 00:01 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 0
Darklighter to chyba najbardziej poszatkowana miniseria, jaką zdarzyło mi się napotkać w czasie mojej przygody z komiksami gwiezdnowojennymi. Nie jestem pewien co jest powodem takiego stanu rzeczy, jednak w myśl starego porzekadła nie będę chwalić, ani też oceniać, dnia przez zachodem słońca. Zachód...
Empire #08-09, #12, #15. Darklighter
O Nowej nadziei inaczej
19-10-2009 00:01 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 0
Rok 2002 i premiera Ataku klonów oznaczały dla fanów Gwiezdnych wojen niezmiernie interesujący okres oczekiwania na trzecią i ostatnią część sagi. Komiks nie był tu wyjątkiem, gdyż na półki sklepowe zawitały dwie serie powieści graficznych. Dla fanów, których za serce chwyciły realia Nowej Trylogii...
Star Wars Komiks #18 (2/2010)
Mistrz Jedi poleca
01-03-2010 00:01 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 0
W powszechnej opinii, Gwiezdne wojny nie są synonimem głębokiej i złożonej fabuły, jednak otwartość i różnorodność to cechy, których miłośnicy sagi George'a Lucasa mają w niej niemal w nadmiarze. Tak się szczęśliwie składa, że te same przymioty charakteryzują również najnowszy numer egmontowskiego c...
Empire #01-04. Betrayal
Imperialna perspektywa
21-06-2010 00:01 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 0
Premiera Ataku klonów była wydarzeniem brzemiennym w skutki, także jeśli chodzi o gwiezdnowojenne komiksy. Star Wars Ongoing, zajmującą się okresem prequeli, przemianowano na Republic, a utworzono jej siostrzaną serię, której treść miała być bliższa miłośnikom klasycznej trylogii.
Imperium nie jest...
Empire #05-06. Princess... warrior
Powrót klasyki
19-07-2010 00:01 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 0
Księżniczka Leia przybywa z misją humanitarną na Ralltiir. Jak się jednak okazuje, nieco wcześniej Imperium, dowodzone przez lordów Tiona i Vadera wprowadziło na planecie stan wojenny oraz wymordowało władze – Wysoką Radę – pod zarzutem sprzyjania Rebelii. Księżniczka szybko kończy pod b...
Empire #07. Sacrifice
Is your Boba here?
26-07-2010 19:11 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 0
Zniszczenie pierwszej Gwiazdy Śmierci wywołało natychmiastową, zdecydowaną reakcję ze strony Imperium. Na niezliczonych planetach rozpoczęły się brutalne akcje mające na celu wyplenienie rebelianckiej zarazy. Jednym z takich miejsc była Solem zarządzana przez imperialnego gubernatora Malvandera; spi...
Empire #10-11. The Short, Happy Life of Roons Sewell
Szczęśliwe życie chorego człowieka
02-08-2010 18:02 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 0
W czasie gdy miniseria poświęcona Biggsowi Darklighterowi osiągnęła półmetek postanowiono, że czas na wtrącenie małej dygresji, zapoczątkowanej na ostatnich stronach zeszytu dziewiątego, gdy czytelnicy dowiedzieli się, że poległ jeden z ważniejszych dowódców rebelianckich – Roons Sewell.
Empire #16-18. To the Last Man
Jak to Janek pojechał na wojnę
13-09-2010 14:51 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 0
Mimo iż Empire, przynajmniej na razie, generalnie oscyluje wokół wydarzeń przed i po Nowej nadziei, w przeciwieństwie do prowadzonej równolegle Republic nie stanowi zwartej fabularnie całości, a raczej zbiór luźno powiązanych ze sobą historii – można nawet pokusić się o analogię do Opowieści z...
Empire #19. Target: Vader
No i znowu
20-09-2010 22:50 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 0
Chyba nici z moich nadziei na serię z jakimś głównym wątkiem przewodnim – dziewiętnasty komiks Empire to kolejny one-shot, znów dość luźno powiązany z poprzednimi zeszytami. Tym razem jednak można powiedzieć, że jest to one-shot do bólu.
Rebelianci zniknęli. Po zniszczeniu Gwiazdy Śmierci zw...
Empire #22. Alone Together
Do dwóch razy sztuka
27-09-2010 00:01 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 0
W obawie przed konfrontacją z Imperium statki floty rebelianckiej rozpierzchają się w losowych kierunkach po całej Galaktyce. Po drugiej stronie studni nadprzestrzennej Han, Leia i Chewbacca wraz z młodą szeregową Deeną Shan przypadkowo przechwytują wezwanie na pomoc. Sygnał wiedzie ich na mroczną,...
Empire #23. The Bravery of Being Out of Range
Nie jest dobrze. W ogóle nie jest dobrze...
20-12-2010 23:22 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 0
Dziś we wstępie kącik zwierzeń recenzenta. Empire jest pod pewnymi względami serią specyficzną. Mianowicie komiksy w niej zawarte są z reguły znośne i czytelnik nie cierpi przesadnie przy ich lekturze; gdy jednak nadchodzi moment, kiedy należałoby napisać, co się o nich sądzi, w większości przypadkó...
Empire #24-25. Idiot's Array
Czas idiotów
03-01-2011 00:01 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 0
Jest w gwiezdnowojennym merchandisingu kilka kwestii, których chyba nigdy nie uda mi się zrozumieć. Nie mogę pojąć na przykład, jakim cudem słaba Empire w ogóle się sprzedawała. Seria, której dobre komiksy można policzyć na palcach jednej ręki; seria, której mimo osadzenia w bardzo lubianym okresie...
Empire #28. Wreckage
Tylko jedno, ale za to lew
10-01-2011 00:01 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 0
Boba Fett jest bez wątpienia jedną z najbardziej lubianych przez fanów postaci z sagi Star Wars, stojąc w panteonie gwiazd obok takich asów jak admirał Thrawn. Co charakterystyczne, komiks (czy też książka) z udziałem tych bohaterów musiałby naprawdę być nieźle zepsuty przez autorów, by społeczność...
Empire #31. The Price of Power
28-02-2011 22:41 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 0
Dyplomacja to subtelna sztuka perswazji, którą na najwyższych szczeblach władzy wykorzystuje się do negocjacji umów oraz korzystnych rozwiązań politycznych między państwami (lub – w świecie Star Wars – planetami), nie chcąc uciekać się do konfliktu zbrojnego. Przygodę z nią przeżyła takż...
Empire #29-30, #32-34. In the Shadows of Their Fathers
14-03-2011 00:01 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 0
Zbliżając się do "trzydziestki" Empire zaczęła zmieniać się nie do poznania. Zadziwiająco dużo tu całkiem niezłych komiksów, to po pierwsze, jednak nie jest to jedyna różnica w stosunku do wątpliwej jakości wrażeń, jakich doświadczaliśmy od początku serii. Sporo z tego postępu możemy obserwować na ł...
Empire #36-40. The Wrong Side of the War
04-04-2011 00:01 | Grzesiek 'SethBahl' Adach | Komentarze: 0
Rebeliancki matematyk Jorin Sol zostaje schwytany w trakcie potyczki na Jabiim, a następnie przetransportowany do imperialnej bazy razem z innymi jeńcami pojmanymi na deszczowej niegdyś planecie. Jednak jemu oficerowie marynarki Imperium poświęcają dużo więcej uwagi – hojnie częstując go gości...
"Generał" Skywalker #1
05-04-2007 12:31 | Komentarze: 1
%DANE%Kilka rebelianckich myśliwców ląduje na odległej, niezamieszkałej planecie... tak odległej od galaktycznych szlaków, że nawet nie ma nazwy. Rebelianci mają zamiar założyć na niej tajną bazę, z której będą prowadzić nasłuch komunikatów imperium. Niestety ich działania zostały dostrzeżone przez imperium, które wysłało przeciwko garstce rebeliantów doborowe oddziały szturmowców. W ferworze walki pojawia się człowiek zamieszkujący odległą planetę... zaginiony przed wieloma laty zołnierz armii klonów.
Źródło: Mandragora
"Generał" Skywalker #2
06-04-2007 02:59 | Komentarze: 0
%DANE%Zaginiony przed laty żołnierz armii klonów przystaje do grupy rebeliantów. Tylko podstęp może ich uratować przed bezwzględnymi oddziałami imperium. Zaginiony klon wpada na genialny pomysł - szansę na ucieczkę są duże... jednak bez walki się nie obędzie...
Źródło: Mandragora
A Valentine Story
14-09-2007 16:08 | Komentarze: 0
She's a Princess with a fiery spirit and a hot temper to match. He's a scoundrel with a mercenary's sensibility and the heart of a hero. Together they help topple an Empire and restore order to the galaxy... And if they stop fighting long enough, they just might realize that they're in love! Set dur...
Empire #01. Betrayal, część 1
18-09-2007 16:32 | Komentarze: 0
Beginning a new ongoing series set during the era when Emperor Palpatine held the galaxy in his iron grip! Even as Rebel forces make their first tentative attacks against the Empire, a plot is brewing within the ranks of those the Emperor and Darth Vader count as loyal to their cause. A small cabal of disaffected Imperial officers have targeted their masters for death, with the goal of taking over the Empire themselves. But in the midst of a conspiracy that includes hired assassins and a private army, there are those who have no intention of sharing power with their co-conspirators...
Empire #02. Betrayal, część 2
18-09-2007 16:40 | Komentarze: 0
The plot against the Emperor and Darth Vader proceeds, but as the conspirators worry about whether either of their targets suspect -- and how much they might suspect -- they also begin to wonder about each other. Can the cold-blooded killer Gauer be trusted? What about the ambitious Imperial Officer Dezsetes? And who can tell what goes on behind the blank eyes of the cybernetically enhanced Grand Moff Trachta? In the midst of the plots and counter plots, word comes of a new threat -- a new, unknown Jedi has emerged to challenge Vader...
Empire #03. Betrayal, część 3
18-09-2007 16:44 | Komentarze: 0
In part three of Betrayal, Darth Vader has landed on a distant world to track down a mysterious Jedi. But, instead of a Jedi Knight, he is confronted by a cadre of bounty hunters who have come to the conclusion that ganging up on -- and defeating -- the Sith Lord will bring them fame and fortune. Boy, are they in for a wake-up call! Meanwhile, on Coruscant, the ranks of those plotting to kill Emperor Palpatine are thinned as the co-conspirators begin targeting each other.
Empire #04. Betrayal, część 4
18-09-2007 16:48 | Komentarze: 0
A proposition is made for Lord Vader and a powerful young Jedi to join forces and overthrow the Emperor. But this offer comes from the young Jedi to the Dark Lord of the Sith! Meanwhile, the Emperor and his elite Royal Guards are facing other would-be usurpers -- the secret, traitorous cadre of Imperial officers and their loyal Stormtroopers! This story reveals the events in the days and weeks just prior to A New Hope.
Empire #05. Princess... warrior, część 1
18-09-2007 16:54 | Komentarze: 0
In the weeks prior to the events in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, Princess Leia Organa undertakes a covert mission to deliver much needed supplies to the Rebel Alliance on the planet Ralltiir, only to have her mission thwarted when the forces of the Empire -- including Darth Vader -- take...
Empire #06. Princess... warrior, część 2
18-09-2007 17:01 | Komentarze: 0
The time: days just prior to the events in Star Wars: A New Hope. On a visit to a planet about to be enslaved by the Empire, Princess Leia comes to the fateful conclusion that impassioned speeches and diplomatic missions may not be enough. Sometimes, in order to prevent the death of innocents, one must pick up a weapon and fight -- and kill, if necessary -- those who would use force to exert their will over the helpless. A crucial moment in the life of everybody's favorite Star Wars heroine -- and one that very nearly ends the Rebellion before it has even begun!
Empire #07. Sacrifice
19-09-2007 00:45 | Komentarze: 0
With the news of the destruction of the Death Star spreading throughout the galaxy, the Rebellion has grown bolder -- and the Empire has cracked down harder. On a remote world, the struggle between self-rule and Imperial edict has erupted into a civil war that pits brother against brother. When the ...
Empire #08. Darklighter, część 1
19-09-2007 00:48 | Komentarze: 0
Everybody remembers the scene in A New Hope where Biggs Darklighter heroically sacrifices himself during the attack on the Death Star. Fewer people know is that before that fateful battle, Luke and Biggs were childhood friends. In fact, it was Luke's dream to follow Biggs to the Imperial Acad...
Empire #09. Darklighter, część 2
19-09-2007 00:52 | Komentarze: 0
As a newly commissioned officer in the Empire, Biggs Darklighter is assigned to the frigate Rand Ecliptic. In his new post he learns that expediency is preferable to honesty, and that the deaths of innocents is an acceptable price to pay for covering one's mistakes. Horrified by what he has seen of the Empire in action, Biggs and a circle of his close companions plot to desert their posts and join the Rebellion. But when their plan is uncovered by another officer, desertion becomes a fight for survival!
Empire #10. The Short, Happy Life of Roons Sewell, część 1
19-09-2007 11:12 | Komentarze: 0
General Dodonna was one of the Old Republic's most brilliant strategists. Now he must use all of his knowledge and all of his tricks to outwit the commanders of the Imperial fleet--many of whom were trained with his own tactics!To give the fledgling Rebel Alliance time to consolidate its forces, Dodonna chooses as a base an ancient, deserted temple on a moon orbiting a gaseous planet. But setting up Yavin Base is complicated by the need to raid Imperial convoys, internal squabbles among the Rebel leaders, and by the monstrous creatures who have also laid claim to the temple!
Empire #11. The Short, Happy Life of Roons Sewell, część 2
19-09-2007 11:15 | Komentarze: 0
While establishing the Rebel base on Yavin IV, General Dodonna clashes with fellow Rebel commander Roons Sewell over plans for the future of the still fledgling Alliance. Sewell is a charismatic leader who has won the hearts and minds of the rebel rank and file, but his flair for the dramatic worrie...
Empire #12. Darklighter, część 3
19-09-2007 11:18 | Komentarze: 0
After the mutiny on board the Rand Ecliptic, Biggs Darklighter and his companions finally are able to make contact with the Rebel Alliance. The Rebels desperately need skilled pilots like Biggs and his friends, but it's hard to fight the Empire with the outdated fighter craft they have on hand.A plan is hatched to "liberate" several squadrons of X-wings, but until the Rebels get their hands on the new fighters, their only hope is pluck, luck, and the skill of pilots like Biggs Darklighter...
Empire #13. What Sin Loyalty?
19-09-2007 11:21 | Komentarze: 0
This issue delivers a rare view of the days of the Rebellion from the perspective of a soldier of the Empire -- specifically that of a Stormtrooper who is transferred to the newly commissioned Death Star! Trooper TK-622 is proud to do his duty in the service of the emperor, but he suspects that that may not be the case for everymember of the battle station's crew. Strange "accidents" and equipment malfunctions point to the presence of a saboteur, but can the trooper prove it before the station goes into action above Yavin?
Empire #14. The Savage Heart
19-09-2007 11:48 | Komentarze: 0
Vader alone.Vader the undefeated.
Vader the savage.
After the destruction of the Death Star, Darth Vader attempts to make it to an Imperial safe haven in his crippled TIE fighter, only to crash land in a savage wilderness. Forced to make his way on foot, attacked by ferocious native carnivores, Vader shucks off the restraints of Imperial order and Sith schemes and embraces his raw, wild power.
This is Vader as you never seen him before!
Empire #15. Darklighter, część 4
19-09-2007 11:51 | Komentarze: 0
To Biggs Darklighter, it seems like he's already lived a lifetime of adventures since joining the Rebel Alliance. But now, reunited with his boyhood friend Luke Skywalker, Biggs faces what will prove to be the adventure of his life--and his death: the assault on the Death Star!Strap into your pilot seats and lower your blast shields--the Rogue Squadron is about to make galactic history!
Empire #16. To the Last Man, część 1
19-09-2007 11:53 | Komentarze: 0
He may have washed-out as a pilot at the Imperial Academy, but Lt. Janek Sunber has found a new home in the infantry. Hoping for a post on a world where he could see some action against the Rebels, he instead finds himself on the jungle world of Maridun as part of a regiment overseeing the construct...
Empire #17. To the Last Man, część 2
19-09-2007 11:55 | Komentarze: 0
Imperial Lt. Janek Sunber wanted to see action, and now his wish has come true--in spades! Sunber's infantry regiment on the jungle world of Maridun is cut off from the rest of the Empire. Their communications have been destroyed, and their way out of the jungle is blocked by thousands of hostile native Amanin. Hopelessly out-numbered, they must choose between combat or surrender--but either decision may mean death!Empire takes a look at the Star Wars galaxy from the point of view of the Imperials in this action-packed, three-issue arc!
Empire #18. To the Last Man, część 3
19-09-2007 11:57 | Komentarze: 0
Thousands of angry alien Amanin versus less than sixty Imperial troops. So much for being "the glue that holds the galaxy together."The Imperials are doomed, but newly promoted Captain Janek Sunber is determined that they will sell their lives dearly. If only some of his fellow officers exhibited the same courage, they might have a chance. But is it bravery, or foolhardiness that drives Sunber? And, if they all die, who will tell the story of their sacrifice? Who will record the glory of their final stand?
Empire #19. Target: Vader
21-09-2007 10:41 | Komentarze: 0
Having failed to locate the Rebels' new base after the destruction of the Death Star, Vader sets out to redeem himself by strong-arming his underworld contacts for information about the Alliance. But other deeds from Vader's past return to haunt him as a group of aliens attempt to kill the Sith Lord as revenge for a slaughter he perpetrated on their homeworld.Fighting vengeful aliens is all in a day's work. The real challenge for Vader is coming to terms with the man he once was, and the "monster" he has become.
Empire #20. A Little Piece of Home, część 1
21-09-2007 11:07 | Komentarze: 0
It's six months after the destruction of the Death Star, and every Rebel in the galaxy has a price on his or her head. Worse, the Rebel Alliance still has not been able to locate a new, secret location for a base. But Princess Leia has an idea: an acquaintance from Alderaan has a hunting preserve on a small, uninhabited moon. It might be the idealt spot provided she can persuade her friend to allow it, and that the Imperials don't find out, and if the local wildlife doesn't prove to be too dangerous. The perfect spot for the Rebel base may just be the perfect spot for a princess to die!
Empire #21. A Little Piece of Home, część 2
21-09-2007 11:10 | Komentarze: 0
Against Luke's better judgment, Leia has sought the help of an old boyfriend from Alderaan in finding a new location for the Rebel base. He's willing to provide the Alliance with the perfect spot, but only if Leia will give up the Rebellion and join him in preserving a piece of their homeworld.Ordinarily, Leia's decision would be an easy one. But when a speeder crash strands her and her friend on a jungle moon, their need for each other in their struggle for survival leads to a conclusion that neither of them could have foreseen.
Empire #22. Alone Together
21-09-2007 11:12 | Komentarze: 0
The fear of Imperial discovery sends the ships of the Rebel fleet scrambling for the far corners of the galaxy. Han, Chewie, Leia, and a young soldier named Deena Shan, on board the Millennium Falcon, end up near a dark jungle moon from which they receive a distress call. Investigating, they discover the remains of a tragedy dating from the Clone Wars, and a still-living threat that could claim them all!Fighting alongside the Heroes of Yavin, Shan learns that the Rebellion, and even survival, mean so much more than she imagined when put in the context of friendship and sacrifice.
Empire #23. The Bravery of Being Out of Range
21-09-2007 11:14 | Komentarze: 0
It was supposed to be an easy gig transport a young woman across the desert to the waiting arms of her friends. But nothing is ever easy for reformed smuggler BoShek, and he soon finds himself in the middle of a struggle between a militant cell of the Rebel Alliance and Imperial operativesóand in d...
Empire #24. Idiot's Array, część 1
21-09-2007 11:20 | Komentarze: 0
Han Solo and Chewbacca are tapped by the Rebel Alliance for a mission that requires their special skills and knowledge of the underworld. But for Han, itís a chance to get away from the new responsibilities heís taken on since joining the Rebellion and indulge his former free-booting ways.Visi...
Empire #25. Idiot's Array, część 2
21-09-2007 11:24 | Komentarze: 0
The Beast and the Beauty join forces when Chewbacca teams up with smuggler Sheel Odala to free Han Solo from the clutches of a crime lord in the employ of the Empire. Odala is handy with a blaster, and an old friend. But there are some trust issues. See, she's the one who betrayed Han to the Empire in the first place... Oh, and did we mention that Vader was on his way?Star Wars action as you like it; leavened with humor, peril, and passion!
Empire #26. »General« Skywalker, część 1
21-09-2007 11:27 | Komentarze: 0
Luke Skywalker and the Red Squadron are flying escort for a secret Rebel intelligence operation on a supposedly unpopulated planet, when they run into an unexpected Imperial patrol. With half the squad trapped on the ground, and the secrecy of the mission in peril, things don't look like they could ...
Empire #27. »General« Skywalker, część 2
21-09-2007 11:29 | Komentarze: 0
Luke Skywalker is a pilot for the Rebel Alliance and a Jedi-in-training, but when a Rebel intel team gets pinned down by an unexpected Imperial patrol Luke receives an unexpected promotion-to General! It's all part of Commander Narra's plan to enlist the aid of an unexpected ally that could turn the tables on the Imperials.
Empire #28. Wreckage
21-09-2007 11:32 | Komentarze: 0
Boba Fett is on a mission. But this time his objective is not a person, but a thing: a holo-projector containing an irreplaceable recording. The one caveat is that the device is somewhere in the wreckage of a massive Star Destroyer, guarded by Imperial fighters and scheduled for destruction by the Empire to prevent any salvageable parts from falling into Rebel hands.An impossible mission? Not for the greatest bounty hunter in the galaxy. Stormtroopers beware! Boba Fett is on a mission, and none had better stand between him and his prize!
Empire #29. In the Shadows of Their Fathers, część 1
21-09-2007 11:34 | Komentarze: 0
With its mines played out and the planet nearly stripped of its valuable ore, the Empire's interest in Jabiim is waning. But Emperor Palpatine is not willing to allow Jabiimi rebels to forcibly boot the last of his stormtroopers off the planet. The harder they fight, the tighter the Imperial grip be...
Empire #30. In the Shadows of Their Fathers, część 2
21-09-2007 11:36 | Komentarze: 0
Luke, Leia, and their companions have been taken prisoner on Jabiim by the very Rebels they've come to help. Worse, the only people from whom they could expect any help-X-wing pilots Wedge Antilles and Hobbie Klivian-are up to their necks in trouble themselves. To top it off, an Imperial fleet is headed for the planet with orders to kill or capture everybody!Luke thinks he can find a way out of their current predicament if he can just figure out what it was that his father-Jedi hero Anakin Skywalker-did twenty years ago that caused this whole mess!
Empire #31. The Price of Power
21-09-2007 11:39 | Komentarze: 0
For the velociraptor-like inhabitants of Tiss'sharrl, assassination is a common method of corporate or political advancement-as the planet's president can attest. But the Tiss'shar are about to get a surprising lesson in the use of force from one who has made the ruthless application of fear and vio...
Empire #32. In the Shadows of Their Fathers, część 3
21-09-2007 12:18 | Komentarze: 0
Imperial Slave Ships are coming to take possession of the conquered population of Jabiim, and the only thing standing between them and the successful completion of their mission are two Rebel X-wing pilots. Hobbie Klivian and Wedge Antilles are in for the fight of their lives!Meanwhile, planetside, Luke Skywalker and his captors have joined forces to battle an army of stormtroopers. But Luke's having a hard time focussing his fledgling Jedi powers as he is haunted by the recent knowledge that his father, Anakin Skywalker, was not a hero to the people of Jabiim, but a traitor!
Empire #33. In the Shadows of Their Fathers, część 4
21-09-2007 12:21 | Komentarze: 0
On the planet Jabiim, Luke Skywalker's situation has gone from bad to worse. Having managed an escape from the rebel group who wants revenge for his father's actions during the Clone Wars, and having fought his way clear of the Imperial stormtroopers who are after any Rebel on which they can lay the...
Empire #34. In the Shadows of Their Fathers, część 5
21-09-2007 12:24 | Komentarze: 0
For the second time, events on Jabiim are coming to disastrous ends because of the presence of a Jedi named Skywalker.The first time was during the Clone Wars when young Anakin Skywalker was forced to abandon the Loyalist Jabiimi troops to the not-so-tender mercies of the Separatists.
Now, Lu...
Empire #35. A Model Officer
21-09-2007 12:26 | Komentarze: 0
Information obtained from a prisoner captured on Jabiim has set Darth Vader on the trail of the Rebel Fleet. No Alliance defense can divert Vader from his target, and if he is successful it will mean the destruction of the fleet and the end of the Rebellion.But there is one small hope for the Rebels, and it all comes down to one man pursuing his duties with an unshakable zeal, and remaining a "model officer" to the end...
Ironman writer John Jackson Miller joins the Star Wars team with this one-shot story of duty, honor, and betrayal within the Empire.
Empire #36. The Wrong Side of the War, część 1
21-09-2007 12:35 | Komentarze: 0
Devotion to duty has put Imperial Lieutenant Janek Sunber once more on the front lines. First as part of an intense ground battle, where the last of a planet's freedom fighters are desperately holding on, then as a glorified prison guard at an Imperial base where prisoners are put to work for the benefit of the Empire.It's not the career Sunber imagined he'd have in the Imperial Infantry, but a Rebel surprise attack on the base may give Sunber another chance to distinguish himself--or die trying!
Empire #37. The Wrong Side of the War, część 2
21-09-2007 12:37 | Komentarze: 0
In his new post as prison guard at the Imperial base on Kalist IV, Lt. Janek Sunber is forced to weigh what he knows he should do against what he can do when he comes up against the corrupt status quo.But conflict with his fellow officers is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to challenges facing the young lieutenant. Unbeknownst to the Empire, the Rebels have infiltrated the base!
Empire #38. The Wrong Side of the War, część 3
21-09-2007 12:40 | Komentarze: 0
Dissent in the ranks! Janek Sunber finds himself at odds-and at gunpoint-with his fellow officers over the treatment of Imperial prisoners. Hardly an auspicious start to his new assignment, and made all the worse because the internal conflict blinds the Imperials to the presence of Rebel infiltrators in their midst!But the biggest shock to Sunber-and the Rebels-is yet to come, from a most unexpected quarter! Allegiances are strained, identities are revealed, and a major strike against the Empire is in the offing. An issue that should not be missed!
Empire #39. The Wrong Side of the War, część 4
21-09-2007 12:46 | Komentarze: 0
Inside the Imperial base on Kalist VI, an undercover Rebel strike force is on a mission vital to the continued existence of the Alliance. Everything has gone according to plan, but the one eventuality for which no one could have prepared is the presence of Imperial Lieutenant Janek Sunber-or how his...
Empire #40. The Wrong Side of the War, część 5
21-09-2007 12:49 | Komentarze: 0
The jig is up!The Rebel intelligence operatives inside the Imperial base on Kalist VI have been discovered. Yet, even with their cover blown, this stalwart crew of Alliance heroes is determined to follow through with their mission no matter what the cost! As Imperial forces close in swiftly and mercilessly, will this band of Rebels need to be rescued from their own rescue mission? Find out in this explosive conclusion to The Wrong Side of the War.
Empire. Volume 1 - Betrayal TPB
18-09-2007 16:37 | Komentarze: 0
In the weeks before the events in Star Wars: A New Hope, as the Death Star is readied for its fateful first mission, a power-hungry cabal of Grand Mofs and Imperial Officers embark on a dangerous plan to kill Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader and seize control of the Empire!When word that...
Empire. Volume 2 - Darklighter TPB
19-09-2007 00:56 | Komentarze: 0
Before Luke Skywalker, the Rebel Alliance had another hero: Biggs Darklighter. For the first time, the full story of Luke's boyhood friend is revealed; from his departure from Tatooine to attend the Imperial Academy, to his decision to lead a mutiny against the Empire and join the Rebellion, to the ...
Empire. Volume 3 - The Imperial Perspective TPB
19-09-2007 11:42 | Komentarze: 0
A loyal Stormtrooper, thwarted by the very bureaucracy which he serves, struggles to track down a Rebel saboteur on board the Death Star in the days and hours before the fateful Rebel attack. Darth Vader, the sole survivor of the explosion of the Death Star, crash lands on a primitive world where sa...
Empire. Volume 5 - Allies and Adversaries TPB
21-09-2007 11:17 | Komentarze: 0
Luke Skywalker fights side-by-side with a shipwrecked veteran from the Clone Wars, Han Solo's flirtations with an old flame land him in the fire, and BoShek (the galaxy's second-coolest smuggler) attracts a whole lotta blaster fire from Rebels and Imperials alike in this collection featuring some of...
Empire. Volume 4 - The Heart of the Rebellion TPB
18-09-2007 16:57 | Komentarze: 0
She was the catalyst that helped to turn a rag-tag rebellion into the Rebel Alliance. She provided the impetus for the "Heroes of Yavin" in their attack on the Death Star. And she was the spark that ignited the flames of passion in one of the galaxy's most notorious rogues. "She," of course, is Prin...
Empire. Volume 6 - In The Shadows of Their Fathers TPB
21-09-2007 12:30 | Komentarze: 0
Luke Skywalker confronts the legacy of the Jedi father he never knew in an epic story involving Princess Leia, Darth Vader, and the fate of an entire planet!When Luke and Leia travel to Jabiim recruiting allies for the fledgling Rebellion, they unwittingly set into motion events that will ignite one man's betrayal of his people, pit rebel hero against rebel hero, and attract the attention of the Empire's deadliest enforcer-Darth Vader!
This action-packed tale sheds new light on Anakin Skywalker's actions at the Battle of Jabiim during the Clone Wars.
Empire. Volume 7 - The Wrong Side of the War TPB
21-09-2007 12:32 | Komentarze: 0
Fresh from the killing fields of Jabiim, where the Empire has virtually wiped out the populace of that world, Imperial Lieutenant Janek Sunber is sent to the quiet prison base on Kalist VI. But, unbeknownst to the Empire, the Rebels have designs on Kalist Base both for its desirable fuel supplies, and for the presence of a very important prisoner-one of their own who has already attracted the interest of Darth Vader.Sunber doesn't know it, but he's on a collision course with an old friend who is with the Rebels, and he finds himself wondering which of them is on the wrong side of the war.
Star Wars Komiks - wydanie specjalne #02
14-09-2009 18:38 | Komentarze: 0
Niniejszy komiks pod tytułem Biggs Darklighter: bohater rebelii szczegółowo prezentuje dzieje tytułowego Biggsa Darklightera, przyjaciela Luke’a Skywalkera z dzieciństwa. Razem wychowywali się na pustynnej planecie Tatooine, razem też obserwowali przez lornetkę kosmiczną bitwę...
Star Wars Komiks #18 (2/2010)
18-11-2009 20:04 | Komentarze: 0
Znajdziecie w nim:- Wzorowy oficer (z Empire #35) - Akcja tej historii rozgrywa się osiem miesięcy po zniszczeniu pierwszej gwiazdy śmierci. Darth Vader usilnie poszukuje bazy rebeliantów. Informacje uzyskane od rebel...